N - observation number country - country of transposition regio - regionalism score (Marks et al. 2008) dir - CELEX code of the directive dayslost - days without a government within the transposition period (own coding) datea1 - date of national transposition (first transposition measure reported) dateal - date of national transposition (the last transposition measure reported) dead - transposition deadline dateadopt - date of adoption of the directive observation - date of final observation (data collection) newm - new member state or not trans - transposition time in days (difference between 'dateal'/'observation' and 'dateadopt') completed - transposition completed within the observation period nacts - number of transposing acts typeact - type of transposing acts (law, government decree, ordinance) dumlaw - dummy for whether a law was used in the transposition (law =1 ) newact - dummy for whether a new legal acts was used in the transposition (new = 1) nmin - number of ministries involved in the transposition misfit - legal misfit (categorical variable). own coding, see paper for details dummisfit - legal misfit recoded as a binary variable discretion - discretion (own coding, see paper for details) goveff - Government effectiveness for 2006 (WB Governance indicators) timedead - remaining time to transposition deadline in days